Let me see if I have this straight. We are to believe Noah preached over a 100 years with 0 effect.
The Bible records that Lamech, Noah's father had sons and daughter's but the number is not included. To have a plural number of brothers and sisters, there would be at least four siblings, two brothers and two sisters.
My folks had 6 kids and 90 years later there are over 100 family members.
Some say based on what's written in Gen.6:3, Noah preached anywhere between 100-120 years. Sometime between his 500 and 600 birthday God informed Noah he was going to give everyone a good and long bath. If his sons were old enough to be married when God called on Noah to build the ark Gen:6;18 indicates Noah couldn't have spent over a 100 years. knocking on people doors..
Now, Noah had brothers, sisters, nephews,nieces and other family members, so are we to believe not one member of his family besides his sons did not believe he was nuts..
Jesus preached for 3 1/2 years and had 100's or thousand of followers, look at the nutty JW, millions of folks.
If a lightning bolt struck my large tree in my yard and the face of a man appeared on the truck of the tree and I said it look like Jesus, in 10 years I would have folks worshipping my tree in my back yard.
What the hell was Noah Preaching???
And another thing, who were these women that married his sons. You are going to marry who? No way will you marry into the family, their father walks a different step then most people...